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The opportunity for adventure is limitless!

travel planning

Seeing more of Australia or travelling to unusual parts of the world are included on most people’s “bucket lists”. After a lifetime of work, reduced job and family commitments present the retiree with the ‘problem’ of how to fill the void. Travelling is an ideal and popular solution.

Not that many years ago, retirees seeking a travel adventure limited themselves to a leisurely cruise across the waves of the South Pacific, or for those a little more adventurous maybe a bus tour around the UK. Not anymore! Retirees of the 21st Century have a plethora of travel options open to them in this country and overseas—and they’re just a mouse-click away.

If exploring the great outdoors is your thing, our country has a lot to offer—from the Great Ocean Road in Victoria to the dusty red heart of inland Australia; the wine country of South Australia’s Barossa region to Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef.

For those who love a cooler climate and a more relaxed pace, Tasmania could be your destination. The state’s 70,000 square kilometres are jam packed with national parks that offer reasonably priced and uncrowded camping spots where you can stay a day or a while.

If you’d prefer a trip that dusts off your passport, the world is literally your oyster! Try these one-of-a-kind travel adventures on for size:

Volunteer vacationing: These trips blend independent travel with the ability to live and work within a community in a developing country. Whether you would like an experience teaching English, providing expertise on building projects, or working on an archaeological dig site, your options are virtually endless.

The unusual Galapagos Islands: If sightseeing trips with a distinctly outdoors theme are more your style, the Galapagos Islands may be worth a visit. This location was made famous by the pioneering work of naturalist Charles Darwin and it retains an exceptional serenity that is unsurpassed. A pristine landscape, the Galapagos Islands and surrounding waters are home to one of the most spectacular marine reserves on the planet as most of us have seen thanks to David Attenborough.

Visit the ‘Stans’: Central Asia is a growing travel hotspot for those looking for something well and truly off the beaten track. If you are interested in seeing countries that are not yet a tourist mecca, why not consider the ‘The Stans’?

Formerly part of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have a unique charm. They have largely escaped modern development but have undergone a cultural renaissance following their emergence from behind the Iron Curtain which existed until the early 1990s.

With such a world of choice, it might a good idea to start planning early to make sure you experience all the destinations of your dreams. What are you waiting for?!

Oh...and make sure you send us a few snaps of your adventures!



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